The Benefits of Hybrid Working: Prioritising Employee Wellbeing, Environmental Impact, and Results

The Benefits of Hybrid Working: Prioritising Employee Wellbeing, Environmental Impact, and Results

At Arctic Bee, we’ve embraced a hybrid working model that offers flexibility, supports employee wellbeing, and is in line with our commitment to reducing our environmental impact. As we navigate a world shaped by technology and evolving work practices, we’ve found that hybrid working benefits both our team and our clients. While some industry leaders […]

The Importance of Taking Care of Your Mental Health as a Business Owner
Navigating your way through heightened anxiety
Losing a Client to Wix

Losing a Client to Wix

In the dynamic world of website design and development, every business owner faces crucial decisions about how to best represent their brand online. As a seasoned web designer, I’ve witnessed first-hand the allure of DIY website builders like Wix, promising affordability and ease of use. However, in a recent experience, I found myself confronted with […]